
Installing solar panels can help you vastly reduce the cost of running your home and help you make a valuable contribution to the environment. More and more solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are appearing on UK roofs and there are big benefits to look forward to if you are ready to invest. Solar PV is a renewable technology that allows you to cut your energy bills as well as your carbon emissions, and installation costs are falling all the time. At Future Solutions, we can provide the experience you require if you have been considering purchasing solar panels for your residence.

Produce Your Own Energy

Solar PV enables you to generate your own free energy, which means you will be able to reduce your reliance on energy providers and therefore cut costs. You could reduce your electricity costs by up to 50% when you invest in solar PV.Although solar panels are at their most efficient in the summer months, they can still produce energy in the winter and on cloudy days.Adding a solar battery to your system enables to you store excess energy that you have generated rather than sending it back to the grid and therefore reduce your bills even further.

It’s estimated that more than a million electric cars could be in use in the UK by 2022, with 60% of new cars being electric by the year 2030

Reduce your carbon emissions

Your solar panels will also enable you to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and therefore make your home more sustainable. Some homeowners even use their solar panels to charge electric cars and extend the savings further. You won’t need to worry about running costs once your panels are installed and will simply need to have them cleaned once in a while to make sure they can access as much sunlight as possible. The panels can last up for decades, with the inverter normally remaining at its best for between 5-10 years. Solar PV is becoming more and more efficient as the technology continues to develop, with the best brands now offering efficiency levels of up to 22%.

Solar PV installations from Future Solutions

Future Solutions can come to your assistance if you are thinking about investing in solar PV and require further information. We have carried out installations for a wide range of customers and can be counted on to deliver the outstanding service that you require.